There are numerous rear and popular bundles in the free fire, but "Bani Bundel" is one of the rare and interesting dresses. This bundle is only with certain specific players, which make it more special. In today's post we will discuss - why Bani Bundel is so popular, whether it will return to the game, and if it comes back who will be happy and who will be unhappy. So read the full post!
Bunny Bundel is so popular or why rear?
A bundle in the free fire becomes rear or popular when it is not available to everyone. "Bani Bundel" is a very early dress, which only got a limited number of players. It is with members of the big YouTube, e-sports players and free fire partner programs.
The reason for this bundle is the reason for the players to be interested in -
It is great stylish and unique to look at.
Here are very few players with it.
Big YouTube and streams have increased popularity as it is using it.
The other general players want to get it, but the game authorities have not yet returned it.
This is why Bunny Bundel is so high and the demand for the players is very high.
Will Bunny Bundle ever come to the Free Fire again?
The answer to this question is hard to say for sure.The free fire game is not as popular as before, so developers are trying to make the game popular again by bringing new content. If they bring back the old rear bundles, many players will be happy. But again many big players can be unhappy, as they will be afraid to lose exclusive items. So it depends entirely on the game authorities. They can bring back the bundle again if they want, they may not bring it again. But Garena may also bring it back, as it will sell their diamond.
Who will be happy when Bani Bundel will come back and who will be unhappy?
those who will be happyOrdinary players who have never received this bundle before, they will be happy to find it.New players who want to enrich themselves inventory. those who will be unhappy:
Large YouTube and E-Sports players, because their rear items will be reduced.
Those who received this bundle many years ago do not want to lose its exclusionIf the bandel is back, its importance can be reduced.
The old players in the game who think that the rear item should only be with the old ones. They will be unhappy.
The last word
One of the rear and popular bundles in the history of Bani Bundel Free Fire. Whether it will return, or whether it will be a rear forever - it depends on the decision of the entire game authority. But if it comes back, the new players will be happy, but the old players may be somewhat disappointed, because this bandel is very rare.
What is your opinion?
Do you want Bani Bundle to come back again Or be it a rear?